I was hoping to get an interview with Freddie Foreman, having just read his fascinating autobiography. My go-between has told me Freddie now only does interviews for money. What a great shame! I have never paid for an interview in 40 years of meeting famous people. Janet Street Porter did ask for money a year or two ago – and I left it just there.
Interviews are hard to get at present. Recently I have approached ten famous people and not had a reply from any of them or their agents. There is some good news – one of my favourite actors, now well into his 70s, is almost on my doorstep next week. He’s already said yes.
Delighted to be tipped off that the Island’s Colin Carmichael was on Tuesday night’s episode of EastEnders. Managed to watch it and will be talking to him in a few days time. I have followed his career with great interest since seeing him play Tevye in a Medina High School production of Fiddler on the Roof.
I saw a fascinating production of Under Milk Wood at the Apollo, Newport, and someone who came very close to stealing the show was Danny Carmichael, the dad of Colin. I can clearly see where Colin gets his obvious flair for comedy from.
It was quite a week. A famous actor invited me to dinner and I had my first taste of caviar. I loved it – but it may not be on my Sainsbury’s Friday shopping list. Ended the week with a great night in the musical company of Brian Sharpe, Keith Roberts, Doug Watson and Andy Skelton at Lower Hyde, Shanklin.