Took a knock back on Monday morning which did not start the week off to well. Trying to keep my chin up and hope that something new might just be around the corner. All will be revealed soon.
Tuesday got better with a visit to London to meet orchestra leader John Wilson. He is about to release a TV advertised album that should be a huge hit. It’s called That’s Entertainment which features legendary music from the old Hollywood musicals. Many of the scores were lost but John has been to Hollywood and spent hours scoring new versions from the old soundtracks. The original scores were taking up too much space and actually used as waste to help land fill under a golf course. Only the Americans could do that. John doesn’t even play or like golf!!!
There is a real chance I could soon be interviewing a world famous – yet eccentric- musician. It will be a challenge!
Not a great start to Wednesday. I have a posh new radio alarm clock which wakes me up at 7pm, with IW Radio. When the news came on I was startled to hear the 8am summary. I had pushed up the second alarm by mistake the previous night. How lucky it was I was not going off to the mainland for a major interview.