I went to Islington on Tuesday to interview the legendary Nicholas Parsons. He had quite a surprise – and a bleep bleep word – when I arrived at the Pleasance Theatre. Somehow – between his book publisher’s PR and the man himself – there had been a misunderstanding. He thought it was going to a down-the-line telephone interview. He was quite stunned – and amazingly busy. He zipped me of by taxi to his Belsize office and flat to hastily record an interview. I felt in the way as his wife was trying to sleep. You can’t keep an old trouper down and he gave me a near 30 minute interview – and I know it was the last thing he had really wanted. He had been up at the crack of dawn to appear on BBC’s Breakfast. It will be ok on transmission day.
It’s proving quite a week. I went to London again on Wednesday to interview East 17, who have reformed and released a new single with an autumn album to follow. They were in lively form and it will make great listening with many of their 18 Top 20 hits.
Some fascinating names are being offered for interviews by various PR companies and, currently, I am chasing a few. Interviews to listen out for soon include Cannon and Ball, Cherie Lunghi, East 17 and former foothall star Terry Paine.
Looking forward to interviewing Lena Martell over the weekend. She’s got a fascinating story. Just an hour or two after posting this, I received a phone call from Shanklin Theatre to say that Lena’s show had been cancelled because of illness