I took a train to Birmingham on Tuesday to interview the one and only Jasper Carrott. Loved the journey and I was picked up by Jasper, at the Birmingham International, and taken to the nearby Arden Hotel, where we did an interivew that will make a two hour 21st anniversary special in April. He was in fine form and has also chosen some of his favourite music. We first met up in 1979 when he came to star at Sandown Pavilion. What a night that was!!! He still remembers it with great affection. There was a full house – as there was every time he came to appear here.
Saw another excellent Red Tie production at the Quay Arts, Newport. It proved, yet again, how many brilliant young actors we have here on the Island. The six in Immaculate can take great credit. I even let the bad language go over my head.
On Thursday night Blake proved to be one of the best acts to have played the Island in recent years. Their performance at the Medina Theatre, was sensational. The full house stood at the end to pay tribute to their superb display. I loved the show but was a little embarrassed. I had taken the trouble to go to Winchester recently to interview the boys and played six of their tracks in the interview that proved such a hit and caused a box-office rush at the theatre. On the night, the group were a little confused and only thanked a local internet station, Vectis Radio, for a phoned interview. I did tease them afterwards and, apparently, one or two of the audience had put them straight. I can think of one or two radio presenters who wouldn’t have taken it so lightly!!
I really felt so sorry for show promoter Michael Reader, when Craig Douglas had to pull out of his special guest appearance at the Medina Theatre on Friday night. Mike and yours truly had worked hard on Craig to get him to make a comeback and sing from his wheelchair. Sadly, Craig, who had a fall a couple days before, was taken to a London hospital and because of a chest virus and temperature, the hospital would not release him to come to the Island. Mike was still prepared to drive to London on the day of the gig to bring him back.
Congratulations to the rest of the company, Dave Graham, Pat Reader and Mike Pender’s Searchers, who all helped to make the night such a success, following Mike Reader’s announcement at the start of the show. It is hoped to bring Craig to the Medina Theatre in October, with guest stars.