Looking forward to Tuesday night when excerpts from two of my archive interviews, featuring Eartha Kitt and Ronnie Hilton, will be aired in the second programme of a new Radio 2 series – Desmond Carrington’s Iconic 50s. They were both recorded in the 80s. Ronnie at Sandown Pavilion and Eartha at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London.
Just heard a rumour thay Brian ‘Grumpy’ Greening is unable to get two tickets for Wednesday’s Fish and Chip Supper (plus yours truly) at the Newclose Cricket Ground,Blackwater, as it is already a sell-out.
Had a great evening at Newclose and the fish and chips were superb. It was a full house and people seemed to enjoy my chat. With family, close friends and quite a few others I knew, in the audience, I was much more nervous than usual and took a little time to get into my stride. In the end, I was sorry I had come to the end of my scheduled time. Great and very typical introduction from Keith Newbery – the man who made it all happen for me. Roger Mazilius made me quite embarrassed, with his vote of thanks – in the nicest possible way. Much appreciated. Met some old friends and made a few new ones at a lovely evening. Apparently, quite a few could not get tickets.
I must have been dropped from compering an Island show without being told.!!! Mike Reader originally asked me to compere the Mike Pender’s Searchers Show, with Pat Reader, David Graham and The Mix, with Craig Douglas as tne new extra star guest. I picked up a new Island entertainment magazine and, discovered, in an editorial piece, that a radio presenter called John Hannon was now doing it. I must watch out!!! It might soon be John Hannon Meets on IW Radio. There is one more interesting fact – less than 3 inches away from the words John Hannon, is a poster with John Hannam on it??? The plot thickens.
Watching Elkie Brooks must be a master class for any aspiring singer. She began in the early 60s as a dance band singer, moved into making Decca pop records, many of which she didn’t like, before becoming a world famous chart star in the 70s and 80s. She seems to have been there for ever and is singing better than ever. How does she hold on to those long notes? I was lucky enough to be in another capacity Medina Theatre audience to witness this stunning singer.
Life is never dull – the previous night I was at the Shorwell Village Hall to watch Jack and the Beanstalk. Another great night out and what an atmosphere! Loved the odd jibes at rival neighbours Brighstone.