Went to Worthing on Tuesday afternoon to catch up with one of the true gents of showbusiness – Charlie Landsborough. He is a pleasure to interview and has no ego at all. He is so grateful for making world fame into his 50s, following a quite amazing life. He has had hits in the pop, country and easy listening charts. I also sang him happy birthday – as it was. He asked me not to give up the day job – after hearing me sing. I managed to nip back to the Mayflower, Southampton, to catch Sunshine On Leith, a brilliant musical using the music of the Proclaimers. One of the finest shows I have seen all year.
Two more huge names have also said yes to future appearances on John Hannam Meets, to make it one of the most successful years since the show began back in 1990.
The CP Theatre Awards shows continue to come in thick and fast, with three in three days. Ironically, the one I least expected to enjoy, turned out to be the best of the three.
Isle of Wight Radio are celebrating their best RAJAR figures for 8 years, with many new listeners now regularly tuning in. I’m thrilled to say John Hannam Meets has considerably increased its audience.