Interviews are still very slow with not too much happening. One of JH Meets favourite guests, Charlie Landsborough, has agreed to an autumn appearance on the show. Others are being requested all the time, with limited success.
On Tuesday, sadly, it was the fourth anniversary of the death of my lovely wife, Heather, who was certainly the wind beneath my wings. She gave me great support and encouragement. Those four years have just flown by. I know she would have been thrilled with some of the guests I have had during the four years. I went to spend a few minutes in her church, the Godshill Methodist Chapel. She loved being a member of this small but enthusiastic band of Christians. Next to the pew was a photo album of past church activities and, by sheer coincidence, was open on a page that had a lovely picture of Heather.
It seemed perfect for the day.
Went to the Quay Arts Centre, Newport, on Tuesday night to see the Red Tie production of Mother Courage. I think I enjoyed the acting better than the play. There were several outstanding performances from Island amateurs.
Started to work on the Gone But Not Forgotten CD Volume 2, which will be on sale in November with a signing at the County Press Shop on Saturday November 13. Once again, this features past Islanders and is likely to include Blodwen Ward, Roy Westmore, Les Moul, Steve Ross and Pamela Green.