Delighted that one of my all-time favourite singers, who had a surprise number one a few years ago, has agreed to come back on to my show to help celebrate my 20th year of John Hannam Meets. We’re going to meet up again at one of London’s most famous clubs.
My son,Sean, has had two more dates confirmed for his appearances on Sky News. He is likely to be live from Germany on Friday Sept 3 and live from Sky News, London, on Friday September 10. His short three minute spots will be between 7 and 7-30pm on both dates.
I was delighted to pre-record an interview on Thursday with the Island’s most famous dining out reviewers, Matt and Cat. Their identity is secret but 4 million have viewed their website,mattandcat.co.uk It’s quite a revealing
I am also delighted that Desmond Carrington has again requested some of my old interviews, recorded for newspapers on a cassette recorder, for his nationwide shows.
Quite disappointed to see such a poor turn out on Thursday night for the Apollo Players’ production of The Price. I think theatregoers are put off by certain authors and Arthur Miller would come into this catergory. Back in the 50s he was best known (and the most envied guy in the world) for marrying Marilyn Monroe. The Price is not a feel-good play.
On Saturday it was nice to meet a few old and new friends on the County Press stall at the Wolverton Manor Garden Fair at Shorwell. This was only my fourth visit to a show of this kind in 50 years. It seems people are eagerly waiting for Volume 2 of Gone But Not Forgotten CDs, featuring more local characters no longer with us. I think there will be another just in time for Christmas.
It was such a delight to receive e-mails from Bay City Roller fans all over Britain on Sunday afternoon during my interview with the iconic Les McKeown. The internet enables fans to listen anywhere in the UK. Les was such a gem to interview.