On Wednesday morning Keith Newbery, the legendary South Coast journalist and a former much-celebrated editor, invited me to a well known Island village pub, at 10-30am, to taste a secret pie, soon to be released to the public. I just could not have refused, as Keith is the sole reason I went into journalism, which eventually led to radio. He was prepared to give me a chance back in 1975.
I did not quite know what I was in for and really expected a small sample of pie for an elevenses snack. I could run it off an hour later. What actually followed was quite a shock to me and some fellow judges, who included the mysterious Matt and Cat.
All will be revealed in Keith’s popular County Press Weekender column on Friday September 3. As for Matt and Cat – who have had four million hits on their dining out website – they will make their radio debut soon on John Hannam Meets.
Saw an amazing version of Les Miserables at the Mayflower, Southampton. Particularly impressed with Gareth Gates, who must be surprising audiences with his brilliant portrayal of Marius.
I could not believe the number of Saturday night people arriving for Mamma Mia. It was a sell out at Robin Hill with 2000 present. Quite a spectacle with many people in costume for the open-air movie. Congrats to Robin Hill and IW Radio for presenting something new for the Island. Great and deserved ovation for the live music warm up act, Alex and Phil. So many excited youngters – and a few older ones, too. I was surprised to see a few former Island football stars in attendance – including one 70 year old whom I sure could still score goals today. QVC’s most popular presenter, Charlie Brook, was in attendance, with his family – and we had a very worthwhile chat. It might be good news.
I went to Paul Weller on Sunday night. The first time I had been to this type of show for many years. He was great and you could certainly tell he hadn’t come through from a TV reality show!!! A real class act and what a superb cross section of material. A true showman – although I wished he hadn’t smoked on stage. Not a good example.
I was astounded at how rude some people are at these open-air stand-up gigs. They push and shove, come and stand right in front of you, have no manners and, generally, are a real pain. I can’t wait to get back to a sitting theatre audience