I have managed to keep four days clear of work – which is a rarity in itself – to decorate my girlfriend’s bedroom. It was like a holiday – in Yarmouth – just popping home at night to sleep and check my e-mails and messages. I was quietly pleased to have three future interviews confirmed on my mobile – whilst I painted. I did have help from Bertie on three of the four days and her mother fed and watered me so well. I’ve even put on weight. It must have been all the real food.
Then came the big decision on Friday night. Was it to be watching England or attending the Georgia Mancio concert at the Quay Arts Centre? As Bertie doesn’t like football or jazz it was an easy choice – and the right one, as it turned out. We both loved the show – and, apparently, the football was lousy.
Finished the week with a This Is Your Life birthday presentation for a close personal friend – Paul Shutler – who actually designed my CD covers.